
As part of efforts by the Instrumentation and Measurement Society (IMS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to enhance the spread of knowledge of new and innovative technologies in the field of I & M, the society is collaborating with the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology to organize the workshop dubbed the Symposium on Intelligent Measurement Systems (SIMS 2022).

This is a two-day event set to take place in Kumasi, Ghana, with the virtual attendance option for interested persons. The workshop is scheduled to take place from the 29th-30th of June 2022 at 4PM each day.

By the end of the two days, we would have achieved 3 goals:

1. IMS Design Competition

We have 5 teams set up who are working on different projects. These projects are aimed at implementing new and efficient ways of applying measurements. On the 29th of June, 2022, which happens to be the first day of the competition, each team will present their projects and the best projects will be adjudged by our expert group of judges. Announcement of winners and presentation of awards will be made on the second day.

2. Lecture Presentations

The plan is to increase the knowledge of the students in emerging technologies. As such, we have on board experienced professors who are members of the IEEE IMS Distinguished Lecturers group to deliver presentations on some current technologies related to society. The details of the speakers to present on the 30th of June,2022 are provided below:

Daniel Watzenig, Graz University

Topic: Autonomous Vehicles and Multisensor Perception.

Time: 4:00PM GMT

Dr. Ruth Dyer, Kansas State University

Topic: The IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society

Time: 5:30PM GMT

Eros Pasero, Politecnico de Milano

Topic: Medicine 4.0: AI and IoT, The New Revolution

Time: 6:30PM GMT

3. Inauguration of New Chapter

To mark the end of the workshop, we will officially announce the establishment of the student chapter branch of the IEEE IMS Society. The society is fast-growing and having a student branch here in Ghana will help achieve the goals of both the society and the University – to train the next crop of talented engineers to solve the world and more specifically, Ghana’s current challenges.